How to stop over 400 sites logging everything you type: A complete list of every site using session replay scripts

You’ve read the news about session replay scripts and how they enable over 400 websites to track your every keystroke and mouse click and you’re, understandably, concerned. If you haven’t been following the news, researchers at Princeton University’s Centre for Information Technology Policy (CITP), discovered that 400 of the most popular websites in the world, including The Telegraph and BBC Good Food are running code capable of tracking everything you type into a website. This means that, without your knowledge or express consent, your information is being taken and used by third-party servers. Continue reading

Radiofrequency Radiation: The Invisible Hazards of “Smart” Meters

This incisive article by the late Dr. Ilya Perlingueri was first published in August 2011

“The Seletun Scientific Statement recommends that lower limits be established for electromagnetic fields and wireless exposures, based on scientific studies reporting health impacts at much lower exposure levels. Many researchers now believe that existing safety limits are inadequate to protect public health because they do not consider prolonged exposure to lower emission levels that are now widespread. Current US…standards for radiofrequency and microwave radiation from wireless technologies are entirely inadequate. They were never intended to address this kind of exposure from wireless devices that now affect over 4 billion people.” The Seletun Scientific Statement, Feb. 3, 2011 Continue reading

Chemtrails: The Consequences of Toxic Metals and Chemical Aerosols on Human Health

This article by the late Dr. Ilya Perlingueri was first published by Global Research in May 2010

For decades, we have known that heavy metals and chemicals can cause grave physical harm. Going back to Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring,” we have known and been amply warned of the serious consequences of using or being exposed to these poisons in our daily activities. Thousands of these are well-documented carcinogens. Continue reading

Zika Owned By Rockefeller 

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Zika virus a global health emergency on February 1st, 2016 without providing much detail on the disease. So here are some facts until we receive more information: Continue reading

Secret Jesuit Handbook

I am not going to say much here at all as the handbook speaks volumes about the Jesuit agenda. Some parts are truly shocking and worse than I had first thought before reading. Just remember that our current Pope, The New World Pope, is a Jesuit and I’ll leave it at that. Wish I could say happy reading, but it is far from that.

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Proof that Jews run the Federal Reserve


Zionist Jews own and run the Federal Reserve Bank that the US government continually borrows from…and is in debt to.

Napoleon said: When a government is dependent for money upon the bankers, they and not the government leaders control the nation. This is because the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Financiers are without patriotism and without decency. Continue reading

Stop selling bombs to Saudis: UK-made missiles linked to child deaths in Yemen

HUMAN rights campaigners have urged Britain to stop the sale of bombs to Saudi Arabia after finding evidence of war crimes against Yemen.

Amnesty International have found airstrikes by a Saudi-led military campaign killed a 12-day-old baby, among scores of other children, as well as destroying schools. Continue reading

More Scots firms linked to the manufacture of parts for Israel’s Gaza bombs

MORE Scots firms have been linked to weapons used by Israel to devastate Gaza.

One of the world’s biggest arms firms, make laser navigation units for the huge Paveway II guided bombs falling on Gaza in recent weeks. Continue reading

Rothschild Warns “Biggest Financial Experiment in History” About to Unleash Consequences Unknown

These are truly unprecedented times.

Central bankers have never had more power; monetary policy has never been stranger. Stock markets are at record highs, but the real economy is stagnate and suffering. The individuals in it are finding it difficult to makes ends meet, and are drowning in debt. Continue reading

Hacked Emails Expose US NATO General Plotting Conflict With Russia

There is no question that the United States has been dangerously rattling the saber in Russia’s direction. From deploying battleships off their coast, to conducting record-breaking war games in the region, there is no doubt — the US is painting Russia as an enemy. Continue reading